Oh my God, how is that even possible? They haven’t been even published as version 1.0! Well, it is possible. While I fully intend to release the complete set of RLV toys and accessories as v1.0, I am already working on a script system for version 2. Call it working in advance if you want, but it’s something I feel needs to be done.

The new system is going to be fully plugin-based, so that’s good news for all the scripters and tinkerers out there! I will even publish a plugin template that will make adding new plugins easy. That means lots of new features, lots of complex behavior, and – most of all – a very simple way of updating the whole system, adding new features, or taking out the ones you don’t want.

Plus, the way it’s going to handle the scripts, the system will eat up a lot less resources than some plugin-based systems out there (we all know those that are famous for being resource hogs)..

Oh well, that’s about it for now.. And yes, I already have the core of the system working – I wouldn’t bother mentioning it otherwise.