Persistent Data At Arm’s Reach…

RELEASEDKeeping your product’s status across rezzing, teleporting through sims, or logouts is the key to all scripted products. Up until now, content creators have either fought against limitations of SL’s local storage using tortured prims, or fiddled with complex and complicated methods of communicating with off-site servers. Both of these methods are time-consuming and they forced developers to spend their effort on other things than their own product.

SLiCK! DataStore combines reliability of off-site data storage with sofar unmatched ease of use. The DataStore is represented by a single scripted prim which, embedded into your product, handles persistent storage, data recovery, and data manipulation for you.

SLiCK! DataStore Features

  • Persistent data saving under custom “key”
  • Automatically updates records with the same key, instead of creating a new record
  • Easy data retrieval
  • Delete a record by its key
  • Protect your data using a passphrase, thus preventing read, overwrite, or removal of your data
  • Change your data’s passphrase
  • Un-protect your data at any time

DataStore Editions

At this moment, SLiCK! DataStore is available in three editions:

  • SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 FREE (L$ 0, Limit: 1 record per object, max 96 byte storage)
  • SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 PRO (L$ 999, Limit: 10 record per object, max 1024 byte storage)
  • SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 BUSINESS (L$ 1999, Limit: 20 record per object, max 2048 byte storage)

While the FREE edition is still fully functional, it is aimed at freebie developers and DIY customers who like to tinker with their custom content but don’t need to store big amounts of data. The cost of PRO and BUSINESS editions is more than reasonably low, and all resourced earned by their sales go towards maintenance and upkeep of the DataStore server, and towards the product’s enhancements and upgrades in the future.

About Permissions and License

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 (all editions) is provided as-is, and is intended as OEM product. You are entitled to redistribute the DataStore as a part of your product, and you are entitled to use its features. You are not allowed to redistribute the DataStore alone and separately in any form and any way. Neither are you allowed to reverse-engineer the DataStore scripts, do any changes to the DataStore object, etc. Simply take it as it is, and use it as it is. The pricing is reasonably low, and stealing isn’t really necessary. If you’re interested in the full License and/or Disclaimer, you can find them inside the SLiCK! DataStore delivery package.

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 FREE

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 FREE

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 PRO

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 PRO

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 BUSINESS

SLiCK! DataStore 1.0 BUSINESS